Hello again + Beginner’s Running Guide!

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Hey guys! Sorry I’ve been so inactive – school has been insanely busy and I just haven’t made the time to just stop and write. I’ve always heard the myth that Junior year is THE WORST year of high school with all the hard classes, extracurriculars, standardised testing, and starting to stress about college – and it’s kinda true.. This semester, especially the last few weeks, have just been a hectic mess of one thing after another and not really any time to breathe.

For those who are new to this blog, hello! My name is Christina and I started this blog to share my personal life as a TCK, running tips, and nutrition tips. Check out my “About me” page and “Purpose” post for more info – I’d also love to get to know you guys, so if you want to talk to me drop me a DM @a.runners.fuel!

Where were we again? Ah, yes, talking about weird funk that was last semester. It’s finally winter break though! I’m so thankful to have this time to just completely relax, not think about school at all, and just recharge and reboot for another hectic semester ahead.

That also means the year is coming to a close, and it’s time to reflect upon this year and make resolutions for the new one! I know that a lot of people have the resolution of getting active/trying to get healthy, but it seldom sticks because of lack of a set schedule and not knowing where to start. Trust me – I’ve been there. That’s why I’ve decided to make a simple “Beginner’s Running Guide” Log for all of you who want to start running, get more active, or just try something new for fun! You never know, you may fall in love with the sport 🙂

Strength training and stretching is also an important part of keeping your body healthy and injury-free (admittedly something I’m still struggling with), so I’ve also linked to a separate page that has a list of simple exercises to do for lower body, upper body, and core strengthening, but feel free to change it up as you wish! The aim is for you guys to make your own copy of the “Running Guide” document and track your own progress!

I am in no way a professional trainer or have any qualifications, but just a avid and passionate runner who wants other people to love the sport as much as she does 🙂 This running log is just a guideline, and is completely flexible! In addition, if you’d like more of a personalised training plan or just want to ask a few questions, follow and shoot me a DM @a.runners.fuel on instagram! I would love to hear from you guys.

Without further ado, here is the link:


Hope you guys enjoy!